User contributions for Nick
1 December 2009
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +510 N How can I change the counter images? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on "Counter Stats" in your list of registered services 2. Click on "Manage Counters" 3. Click "Image" beside the Counter you would lik…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +338 N How do I change the number of hits on my counter? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on "Counter Stats" in your list of registered services 2. Click on the "Manage Counters" link. 3. Click on the "Settings" link beside …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +510 N Everyone can see my counter statistics. What can I do? Created page with 'You can make your statistics private. However, private statistics can be enabled only in the Professional Counter Stats service. If you have a Professional Counter Stats servi…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +397 N Why does my counter say the code has changed? Created page with 'Our Counter Stats service has been updated and revised due to suggestions that have been compiled from members and should supply a greater range of customization, as well as fast…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +627 N How can I create, edit or delete counters on my account? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on "Counter Stats" in your list of registered services 2. Click "Manage Counters" To create a new counter, click on the "Create a new…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +696 N When does the counter increment in value (register a count)? Created page with 'It depends on what type of counter you are using. A 'Hit' Counter will increment every time a person visits the site (including page reloads), while a 'Visit' Counter will only…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +428 N Can I install the same counter code on all my pages, or is the counter for just one page? Created page with 'Each page visit or hit will cause your one counter to increment and record the referrer, so if you were to use the same counter on multiple pages, your statistics would be meanin…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +250 N What does 'Direct Hit' mean in the 'Referrer' section of my counter statistics? Created page with 'A direct hit is a visit to the site that did not come from another site. For example, somebody had bookmarked your site or typed the URL directly into their browser. A direct hi…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +246 N How can I reset the statistics and number of hits on my counter? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on "Counter Stats" in your list of registered services 2. Click on the "Manage Counters" link 3. Click on the "Reset" button beside th…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +291 N What does "Uniques / Page Views" 25% mean in my counter statistics? Created page with 'Here is an example: If your total amount of hits for the day is 4. That is 100% If your total amount of unique visitors is 1. That would be 25% It is a comparison between your t…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +751 N What added features will I receive if I upgrade to the Professional Counter Stats service? Created page with 'The Professional Counter Stats service provides the following features: -All popup ads will be removed from your service. -Your service limit increases to allow you to create 2…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +340 N How can I add the counter to my website? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on "Counter Stats" in your list of registered services 2. Click "Manage Counters" 3. Click on the "Code" link beside the counter which…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +355 N How do I view the counter? Created page with 'You can view the counter on your webpage, or by logging into your Bravenet Account and clicking on the "Counter Stats" link in the list of Registered Services. Click on "Manage C…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +187 N How many counters can I create? Created page with 'You can create up to 3 counters per Bravenet account with the Free service. The Professional Counter Stats service allows you to create as many as 25 counters. [[Category:Counte…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +391 N How does the Counter Stats service work? Created page with 'We provide you with the special code for each counter, which you can add to any of your webpages that you want the counter to appear on. When visitors load the page with the co…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +380 N What is the Counter Stats service? Created page with 'The Counter Stats service tracks and records visitor traffic for the webpage you put the copy/paste code on. The Site Stats portion of the service provides you with detailed tr…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +794 N How can I set the counter to ignore my hits to the page? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on "Counter Stats" in your list of registered services 2. Click on "Manage Counters" 3. Click "Settings" below the Counter you would l…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +242 N Why is the Referrers area of my counter statistics only showing my frameset page? Created page with 'Unfortunately the Counter Stats are not supported within frames due to this problem. There is no way for us to currently collect the referrer information, as the frameset page lo…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +818 N A visitor submitted an Ad but is not able to edit it. What can we do to change this? Created page with 'If the visitor does not enter a password when submitting the Ad, they will not have the ability to change it. There is currently no option to turn on or off this feature. If …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +269 N Why are the IP addresses showing on my classifieds page? Created page with 'You will only see the IP address the classified was posted from while logged into your account. The public will not see the IP addresses. If you want to ban a certain IP address…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +702 N How can I change or remove a Classified Ad? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click on "Edit Entries" For the Professional service level: 1. First select a …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +671 N I want to charge people money to post advertisements, how can I do that? Created page with 'We only allow reselling of the service if you are a paid Professional subscriber. You can view our full terms from here: The only way yo…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +470 N How can I customize the colors and text of the navigation bar? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Nav Bar" tab 4. There are six color sections…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +586 N How do I edit, add or delete a category in my Classifieds service? Created page with 'This feature is available with Classifieds Professional only. 1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click "Categories…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +78 N Why are expired advertisements still showing on my classifieds page? Created page with 'These will be removed when a visitor posts a new ad. Category:Classifieds'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +293 N How can I change the way my Classifieds are displayed? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click on "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Layouts" tab 4. Select one, two, or three…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +341 N How do I change the title or description of my Classifieds service? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click on "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Text" tab, and change your Title and Desc…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +416 N How can I customize the images on my Classifieds page? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click on "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Images" tab 4. Click the "Title Image" or…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +314 N How can I change the colors and fonts on my Classifieds page? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click on "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Colors / Fonts" tab 4. Use the links on t…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +669 N Can I lock the expiry date for my Classifieds to a set amount of time? Created page with 'The default setting for Ad Expiry will let the poster optionally specify how long they want their advertisement to remain active. If you would prefer that all advertisements rem…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +359 N How can I change the number of category columns? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services 2. Click on "General Settings" 3. In the "Number of Category Columns" section, ente…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +304 N How do I make my Classifieds searchable? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services 2. Click on "General Settings" 3. In the "Searchable" section, select "Yes, Make my…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +300 N How do I stop public posts to my Classifieds service? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services 2. Click on "General Settings" 3. In the "Private Posting" section, select "Don't a…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +418 N How do I set or change the frame target the "Home" button on my Classifieds page will load into? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services 2. Click on "General Settings" 3. In the "Frame Target" section, select "Close the …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +294 N How do I change the page the "Home" button on my Classifieds service links to? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services. 2. Click on "General Settings" 3. In the "Home Page URL" section enter the URL of …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +517 N How do I change the contact email address that is displayed on my Classifieds page? Created page with 'The default setting for this is the email address in your Membership Information. You can change the Classifieds email address to a separate one if you want. 1. Log into your…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +365 N How do I set the length of time that a completed or sold Classified Ad will display? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services 2. Click on "General Settings" 3. In the "Length to show Completed Ads" section, en…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +283 N How do I change the word displayed over a sold or completed Classified Ad? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services 2. Click on "General Settings" 3. In the "Sold Text" section, enter your desired te…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +457 N What will happen if my Classifieds service reaches the maximum number of ADs? Created page with 'The default setting for when this happens is to remove the oldest entries to make room for new ones. You may change this to reject new entries completely if you like: 1. Log int…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +354 N How can I change the width of my Classifieds service? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of Registered Services 2. Click "General Settings" 3. In the "Service Width" section, enter the number of …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +292 N How do I enable or disable the email notification of new posts to my Classifieds? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on Classifieds in your list of registered services 2. Click "General Settings" 3. In the "Email Notification" section, choose the sett…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +294 N What added features do I receive with Classifieds Professional? Created page with 'The Professional Classifieds service provides the following features: -Removal of all advertising -You may create up to 50 custom categories -Your service limit is increased fr…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +448 N How can I post an advertisement to the Classifieds service? Created page with 'You may add an advertisement to your service as your visitors would do by clicking the link on your website to access the service and then using the "Post" button. You can also …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +342 N How does the Classifieds service work? Created page with 'All you have to do is place the copy/paste code from this service onto a webpage, and then save and publish or upload the revised file to your web server. The code places a li…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +394 N What is the Classifieds service? Created page with 'The Classifieds service is a great way to help you increase the amount of returning visitors to your website. Visitors can buy, sell or trade personal items or services from ex…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +989 N Is there a way to remove the View Entry link at the bottom of my Blog postings? Created page with 'The View Entry link will only appear if you have comments disabled, and you can enable comments for your posting to get rid of this. To enable comments in a single posting, follo…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +62 N How many posts can I have in my free Blog service? Created page with 'You are limited to 1000 posts in your Blog. Category:Blog'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +574 N Why isn't my Blog appearing in the search results on Created page with 'The search feature on will return results based off the keywords you specify in your "Edit Profile" area. This can also be searched based off author name, email …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +489 N How do I edit or delete comments in my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet 2. Click on "Blog" 3. Click on "Manage Entires" 4. Click on the 'comments' link next to the posting where this was made To edit a comment, click on the 'edi…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +862 N How can I add pictures to my Blog posts? Created page with 'You'll need to sign up for the Website Hosting service before you can upload any images. If you don't already have a website set up, follow these steps: 1. Log into your Bravene…'