User contributions for Nick
1 December 2009
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +571 N How can I ban someone from posting comments on my Blog? Created page with 'You can ban this visitor from your Bravenet services using their IP address. To get the IP address of a comment in the Blog: 1. Log into Bravenet and click "Blog" 2. Click "Man…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +287 N How can I allow visitors to dynamically select a layout for my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Layouts" 3. Select the option "Allow users to change the layout" 4. Click on "Save Changes" …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +301 N How do I change the layout of my Blog archive page? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "General Settings" 3. In the "Archive Mode" area, select the layout of your archive page. You…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +118 N How can I view the visitor statistics for my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet 2. Click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 3. Click on "Statistics" Category:Blog'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +749 N How do I change the permissions and privacy settings in my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet 2. Click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 3. Click on "Privacy" Under Default Comment Permissions, you can choose who you want to allow comments…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +382 N How do I edit the background images in my Blog Service? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Look and Feel" 3. Click on "Images" 4. Select the background you want to edit using the link…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +347 N How do I edit the title image of my Blog Service? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Look and Feel" 3. Click on "Images" 4. Click on the "Title Image" link 5. Enter the URL of y…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +195 N Why are the comments in by Blog getting cut off? Created page with 'The comments area for the Blog service is limited at 2,000 characters, including HTML and spaces. Any more characters beyond this will be deleted from the end of their comment. …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +251 N How can I notify my Blog subscribers when I make a new post? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Manage Subscribers" 3. In the Post Notification area, select Yes Turning on this setting wi…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +285 N What can I do to prevent Spam in my Blog? Created page with 'There is an advanced Spam Filtering option available for your comments area. 1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Manage Spam F…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +357 N How can I disable the Image Verification in my Blog service? Created page with 'Image Verification is enabled for all free accounts. To have the option to disable this, you can upgrade to the Professional version. 1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" i…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +782 N How can I customize the links on my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Manage Links" To create a new link: In the Add New Link section, select a category from…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +424 N How can I import entries to my Bravenet Blog from my other online journal? Created page with 'The import feature will only work if your current blog host supports exporting your entries. Please export your current blog to a file on your computer before completing the next…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +214 N How do I add or remove people from my friends list? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Manage Friends" 3. Add or remove friends in the "Friends List" input box, separating each…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +406 N How do I edit or delete one of the entries in my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Manage Entries" To edit an entry: Click on "Edit Post" button next to the entry. Edit the …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +180 N How can I link to one of my webtools from my Blog menu? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Add Services" 3. Click the Add button next to the service you'd like to add [[Category:Blog…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +472 N How do I post a new Blog entry? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Post Entry" 3. Fill out the Title and Content of your new post By default, there will be…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +263 N How do I change or disable my Blog profile? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Edit Profile" 3. Edit your personal information on this page You can disable your profil…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +123 N How do I view a list of sites that linked to my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet 2. Click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 3. Click on "View Referrers" Category:Blog'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +230 N How do I change the height of the tag board in my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Manage Tagboard" 3. Under "Tag Board Height", select the height you want from the dropdow…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +340 N How does the Blog service work? Created page with 'You place the copy/paste code we provide you into the HTML code of your webpage, then save and publish/upload the revised file to your webspace. This code places a linked image …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +280 N How can I change the text that is displayed on the navigation buttons of my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Nav Bar" tab 4. Under Customize Navigation Text, update the …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +225 N How can I change the mood and music fields in my Blog service to something else? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Edit Fields" 3. In the Custom Subject Fields area, you can change the text in these field…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +397 N How can I change the images on my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Images" tab 4. Click the link on the left for the section you'd…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +238 N How do I change the template layout of my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Layouts" tab 4. Click the type of layout you like 5. Click the …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +272 N How do I customize the colors and fonts in my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Colors/Fonts" tab 4. Use the links on the left to edit your col…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +428 N What is the address of my Blog? Created page with 'The Blog service will create a subdomain from your username. If you change your Bravenet username, your blog address will also change. If your username is "demositePro", then yo…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +561 N What added features will I get if I upgrade to Professional Blog service? Created page with 'The Professional Blog service provides the following features: -All advertising is removed. -Post limit increases from 3200 to 25000. -Optionally disable the community bar at th…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +843 N How can I upload an image from my cellular phone to my Blog? Created page with 'First you will need to enable the Phonecam in your Blog service. This will display your picture on all your Blog pages. 1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +256 N What is the Blog service? Created page with 'The Blog service allows you to have a fully customizable journal which you can share with your friends. The service allows you to accept comments from your visitors and allows …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +960 N What can I do to prevent my tagboard from being spammed? Created page with 'If you receive spam to your tagboard, you can ban this visitor from your Bravenet services using their IP address, as well as remove these posts if you would like. To get the IP …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +104 N I posted an entry to my Blog, but only the first part is showing up. Why? Created page with 'Each of your Blog entries is limited to 65,536 characters, including spaces and HTML. Category:Blog'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +224 N How can I get notified by email when a new comment is added to one of my Blog posts? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click "General Settings" 3. In the "Email Notification" area, select Yes 4. Scroll down and click o…'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +270 N How can I change the comment text in my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Look and Feel" 3. Click the "Nav Bar" tab 4. In the fields below Customize Comment Text, …'
- 11:0511:05, 1 December 2009 diff hist +280 N How do I edit the title or subtitle of my Blog? Created page with '1. Log into your Bravenet account and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Edit Text" 3. Edit your title in the Blog Title area 4. Edit your subtitle i…'
27 November 2009
- 10:5910:59, 27 November 2009 diff hist −2 Wiki/api.php Hello World current
- 10:0710:07, 27 November 2009 diff hist +5 Wiki/api.php Hello%20World
- 09:1709:17, 27 November 2009 diff hist +12 N Wiki/api.php Testing Summary
23 November 2009
- 10:2810:28, 23 November 2009 diff hist −34 Main Page No edit summary
- 10:2710:27, 23 November 2009 diff hist −4 User:Nick Blanked the page current
- 10:2710:27, 23 November 2009 diff hist +4 N User:Nick Created page with 'test'