Registering a domain

Registering a domain will give you full control over that domain name for a period of 1-5 years. You can renew your registration at any time. For the first 60 days, you will have to manage your domain through Bravenet, but after that, if you wish, you can transfer your domain name to a different provider.


  1. Log into your Bravenet account.
  2. Select the Domains tab.
  3. Select World add.png Register a domain
  4. Enter the name you would like for your domain name into the search field. There are restrictions to what characters you can have in your domain name. Click 'Search' to proceed to the next step.
  5. There's a good chance that the name you chose will not be available. The search results will show you your requested name and a list of related keywords and whether or not each is available with different TLDs
  6. Select the domains you'd like to register, or search again. An Domain taken.gif signifies that the domain in question is not available, a Checkbox off.gif that it's available, and a Checkbox on.gif that it's selected for registration. Click on Register domain(s) to proceed with registering the domains with a Checkbox on.gif. Note that you can register multiple domains at once.
  7. Next, select the term for the registration - one year, or up to five.
  8. You will also need to select a contact name and address for your domain. It is important that you have valid information - invalid information can lead to an early termination without refund of your domain contract.
  9. Please read through the terms of service

You will then be able to choose your Registration Terms, verify your Contact Details, and review your selected domain. Our Terms of Service must be agreed to before proceeding.

Finally, you will choose your payment terms and complete the payment process! If you have trouble making a payment, or need instructions to send payment via an alternate method, please Open a Support Ticket.

How to Get There

Domains.JPG > Regdom.PNG