E-Mail Filtering

Revision as of 12:00, 27 August 2014 by Ncoulson (talk | contribs)

You can filter incoming mail to other folders using Filters.

How to Get There

  1. Log into your webmail account at https://webmail.bravehost.com. This can also be accessed through the email tab on bravenet.com
  2. Click on the Settings button
  3. Click on Filters

Filter Sets

A Filter Set is a set of filters. You can use one filter set at a time, where the active filter script is not grey'd out. To activate a filter script click on the filter script, click on the gear below, and select Enable/Disable. You can only have one active Filter enabled at once.


Filters are added to filter sets. Incoming mail is processed in order of the filters, from top to bottom. There are 2 parts to each filter, Matching, and Actions taken if the incoming email matches.


Subject: Subject of the email From: Who this was sent from To: Address this was sent to. Some mailing lists would have this as the name of the mailing list. Body: This is the content (or body) of the email Size: Size of the email ...: For Advanced use. Can be used to match any other field that is not listed above (such as Reply-To) Expressions: Allows you to use wildcards when searching. * matches zero or more characters, and ? matches a single character.


Move Message To: Move the email to this folder. Copy Message To: Copy a message to this folder. Redirect Message To: Redirects this message to this email address. The email will not be saved to the inbox. Send Message Copy To: Sends a copy of the email to this mail address. Delete Message: Deletes the message Set/Add/Remove Flags to the message: Modifies the message flags (such as email read). If also moving the mesage, this needs to be done before moving the message. Stop Evaluationg Rules: Will not process any additional rules for this email.